Philippine Food Forest

Like many people, I am increasingly worried about the unfolding climate catastrophe. It's on my mind a lot and I want to do something about it. But what? Part of the problem is the way we eat. Or more accurately: the way we farm. Food forests make us more resilient by providing nutrition and security, while regenerating natural systems instead of destroying them.

With PFF, I want to highlight the efforts of people who are changing the paradigm of destructive farming by planting trees / practicing permaculture / regenerating soil and things like that. There are a lot of different methods and movements around and I think trees play a crucial role in most of them. That's why I chose food forests as a central theme to present and connect these efforts.

The life cycles inside a food forest
In nature, there is no such thing as waste. The by-product of one system provides energy for another.© Molly Danielsson

What's the plan?

The website is centered around a map, where people can find examples of food forests and connect with the people that grow them. In the future, I hope to expand the map with useful data like nearby nurseries, seed banks, funding opportunities, tree planting projects and things like that.

"So it's like a dating site for trees?" A friend once said.. Well yes, maybe!

My personal goal is to (re)shape healthy, long lasting relationships between humans and forests. To reconnect with our ancient selves again, rooted in communities and the natural world. To regain a sense of belonging, that many of us have lost in modern society.

I hope that this project will ultimately encourage others to start planting food forests as well. I want to show people that this works; that this is happening already, that it has been widely practiced in the past and that it's doable, affordable and rewarding. Then who knows, food forests may go 'fungal' again one day!

Visit the website